Capital Projects Regular Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

1.    Call Meeting to Order
Chairperson Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. 

2.    Roll Call
Members Present
Dr. Saud Anwar, Town Council – arrived at 4:40 p.m.
Chris Chemerka, Director of Finance and Operations, Board of Education
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Elizabeth Pendleton, Town Council (Vice-chairperson)
Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology (Town Manager’s Designee) – left at 5:00 p.m.
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Craig Zimmerman, Board of Education

Members Absent
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education
Jamie Gamble, Board of Education
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Michael Gonzalez, Board of Education

Guests Present
Raymond Favreau, Director of Parks and Recreation

3.    Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Mr. Scott Roberts made a motion to approve the March 25, 2015 Minutes; Mayor Saud Anwar seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously with two abstentions from Ms. Chris Chemerka and Mr. Patrick Hankard.

4.    Discussion Items

Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Approved Budget
Capital Projects was approved for a budget of $1 million for Fiscal Year 2015/2016.  Chairperson Janice Snyder reviewed the Draft Capital Projects Master List from March 25, 2015 (Exhibit A).  The first four projects on the list bring the budget up to $972,420.  Those projects are Avery Street Reconstruction Phase 2, Main Street Bridge over Podunk River, Abbe Road Improvements, and the Police Department HVAC Heat Pumps, Cooling Tower, and Control Replacement.  Adding the $75,000 for the Phone System Replacements at the Police Department and Community Center would push the budget over$1 million.

Chairperson Snyder asked for comments.  Mr. Craig Zimmerman recommended adding the Timothy Edwards sidewalks replacements so that the Board of Education could have some projects completed.  He suggested a total of six projects by removing the Police Department HVAC and adding portions of the Timothy Edwards sidewalks, Wapping School renovation, and Fiber Communications to get close to the $1 million total.

Mayor Saud Anwar said that at the last Committee meeting, Mr. Gantick said the Police Department HVAC project was almost an emergency situation.  Chairperson Snyder agreed that was said at the last meeting but that Public Works has all of the allotted projects at the moment.  She asked Mr. Scott Roberts about the Fiber Optic project.

Mr. Robert said that the permitting and application process takes about six months.  For the first phase, the Town has spent about $23,000.  He said if there could be money budgeted for permitting, that would keep the project moving.  He is concerned that the project would be stalled for longer than it should be if there was no funding.

Mayor Anwar said that he perceived there was a high level of concern from the Town staff regarding the situation at the Police Department.  Chairperson Snyder said there was simply not enough money, and it would not be fair to leave all of the other departments out of the list.  The money needs to be shared somehow.  

Mayor Anwar said that the original listing was ordered by grants, then safety and security.  If the Police Department project budget can be reduced, that might be a viable option.  Mr. Zimmerman said he perceives that other projects on the list can also fall under safety and security.  He said that he does not want to pay for the Timothy Edwards. sidewalks out of operating, but it is as safety issue.

Chairperson Snyder asked about the condition of the current sidewalks at Timothy Edwards.  Mr. Patrick Hankard said they have been patched a few times.  He said that he will have to disagree with other Committee members on switching the project list around.  He can patch the sidewalks if needed.  He asked about the fiber project and if money would be lost.  Mr. Roberts said that if there is no activity on the project after a few years, the Town loses attachment to the project.

Mr. Hankard suggested on waiting to see what the bid numbers are for the first three Public Works projects because the bids may be lower.  This may allow the Committee to add other projects in the middle of the summer.

Chairperson Snyder asked Mr. Roberts to email Mr. Michael Gantick and Mr. Jeffrey Doolittle about the status of the first three projects.  Chairperson Snyder said that there might be a change in the Main Street Bridge project as it could be in limbo at the State level.  If that project is in limbo for another six to eight months, that leaves almost $500,000 left for other projects on the list.

Mr. Zimmerman asked when the budget was set at $1 million, did any of the Town Council have a discussion while looking at the list.  Mayor Anwar said the initial thought was to keep the budget at $1.1 million.

Councilor Elizabeth Pendleton asked if the forthcoming money from the possible cell tower deal could be used to pay for some projects.  Mayor Anwar said the money would be put into the budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017.

Chairperson Snyder said to plan on paying for projects 1 through 4 pending an update from Mr. Jeffrey Doolittle.  If any money is freed up from those four projects, then the Committee will pull projects in priority order to be completed with the savings.

Mr. Hankard suggested going out to bid on the Phone System Replacements just in case one of the four projects should come in under the estimated budget.  Chairperson Snyder said it would not hurt to bid on any projects on the list.  It is a great time to bid on projects.

Mayor Anwar said that there may be savings from LED lights in the future that can be put towards other projects.

Mr. Zimmerman asked how projects with a time constraint will be completed if it does not have a major safety or grant issue such as Wapping.  Maybe timing for certain projects should be taken into consideration in the next Fiscal Year.  It would have also been helpful to know about the $1 million budget earlier in the discussions.

Chairperson Snyder said that the Fiber Network Phase 2 will have to wait unless there are substantial savings.

At 5:00 p.m., Mr. Scott Roberts left the meeting.

Councilor Pendleton said that the during the ordinance timeframe, it states that there should be quarterly financial reports from the Finance Department regarding Capital Projects.  She would like to start receiving the quarterly balance for that account.

5.     New Business

Chairperson Snyder asked to discuss the Draft Capital Projects Ordinance that was presented to the Town Council on Monday, May 18.

Mayor Anwar summarized the draft ordinance.  In many other municipalities in the State, capital projects can make up to 5% of their total budget.  He would like to see South Windsor move in that direction.  There should also be a certain percentage of new revenue automatically earmarked for capital projects.  The definition of a capital project will be changed from $50,000 to $25,000 which will open up opportunities for more projects to be funded through capital projects.

Chairperson Snyder would like Town Manager Matthew Galligan to revise the Draft Capital Projects Ordinance that was presented to the Town Council.

6.     Old Business


7.     Adjournment

Mr. Patrick Hankard made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 p.m.; Councilor Elizabeth Pendleton seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary

Exhibit A    Draft Capital Projects Master List Fiscal Year 2015/2016