1. What zone is my property in?
    Information is made available by Town Staff, and is also published as a part of the Zoning Map, and can be also found on the Interactive Mapping program on the Town’s website.
  2. What does a MZ zone classification mean?
    The MZ classification means that the property is in “multiple zones”. It is often found on properties that are subject to the 100 year floodplain overlay zone.
  3. Do I need flood insurance?
    Staff can indicate whether the subject property, in whole, or a portion, exists within the 100 year FEMA Flood Zone.  The actual requirement is determined by the lending institution.
  4. What are the setbacks for structures on my property?
    Zoning for a particular property dictates the distance a structure may be placed or erected away from the property boundary.  Setbacks differ depending on the specific zoning designation of the parcel.  Town Staff can provide setback information for a property. This information is also available in the zoning regulations that can be found on the town‘s website.
  5. I need a map of my property. Or, I need a plot plan. Where can I find one?
    Plot plans are available for most properties in the Planning and Building Departments.  Staff provides a copy and can assist in interpreting specific information contained on the plan.  When plots plans are not available, basic features can be generated as a map through the GIS software by Staff.
  6. Are there wetlands on the property?
    Through plot plans and GIS mapping, Town Staff can provide general information on the location of wetlands on or near a particular property. A professional Soil Scientist would have to be hired to field locate wetlands on a specific property.
  7. There is this property for sale.  Can I subdivide it and put another house on it?
    Town Staff can provide an interpretive opinion on the likelihood of subdividing a parcel based on zoning requirements and land features.  Consultation with a civil engineer/surveyor will be necessary to determine a definitive number and layout of additional parcels.