South Windsor Agriculture, Arts & Nature Center

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Minutes                                                         Page 1                                               May 13, 2015
Board Room – South Windsor Public Library
1.    Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.
2.      Roll Call
Members Present:       Pat Botteron, Open Space Task Force
                                       John Caldwell, Park & Recreation Department
                                       Stephanie Dexter, Planning & Zoning Commission
                                       Mary Etter, Director of S. W. Public Library
                                       Ray Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation
                                       Jeff Folger, Senior Environmental Planner
                                       Michele Lipe, Director of Planning
                                       Virginia Macro, Historic District Commission
                                       Chairman Andrew Paterna, Town Council
                                       Tim Shepard, South Windsor Land Trust
                                       Councilor Jan Snyder, Town Council
                                       Betty Warren, IWA/CC
Members Absent:        Councilor Tom Delnicki, Town Council 
                                       Katie Graham, Park & Recreation Commission
                                       Sandy Jeski, SWALPAC
                                       John Mitchell, Economic Development Commission
                                       Councilor Liz Pendleton, Town Council
3.      Approval of Minutes (March 11, 2015)
Ms. Lipe made a motion to approve the March 11, 2015 minutes.  Ms. Dexter seconded the motion.
Mr. Shepard suggested an amendment to the minutes
Chairperson Paterna called for a vote on the amended minutes; they were approved, unanimously.
4.      Public Input
5.      Discussion items
Review Report/House Inspection – J. Folger
Mr. Folger reviewed the house inspection report, as shown in attached Exhibit A.  Mr. Folger summarized the inspection by stating the attic area is an excellent example of post and beam construction and is solid.  The basement area is terrible. Essentially the home will need a whole new foundation and first floor.  All of the supporting members are severely rotten and compromised.  The foundation is stone, brick and mortar that are collapsing.  The next step would be to hire a Structural Engineer to determine the cost to remove the old foundation and replace it or pour a new foundation in the perimeter of the existing foundation.  All of the support floor joists would have to be replaced.  Because of the basement being compromised, the attic in the main part of the house is also falling in.
Update on State Historic Preservation Office Grant – A. Paterna/M. Lipe
Chairperson Paterna explained that the grant has two parts.  First is the assessment of the buildings themselves and assistance with the planning.  The second part would be the cost analysis.  Ms. Macro stated that the only letter that was received was that the Town was awarded the grant.  Chairperson Paterna said he would send Michele Lipe the paperwork.  Ms. Lipe suggested moving the RFP forward.  The total amount the Town has from grants for the Priest property is $14,000.  The structure should be treated as a residential property.  Ms. Macro felt that it is very important to preserve the house interior and especially the exterior as much as possible.  Chairperson Paterna stated that he is hopeful that a restoration grant will be available to the Town at a later time.  Mr. Folger suggested that a salvage team go into the house and identify the items that may be used when the house is reconstructed.  Ms. Macro said she would contact Ed Sutherland who could identify items that should be kept.  Picture can be taken of each item so that the Committee knows what should be kept.  Ms. Lipe stated she would discuss with Clay Major about having a crew go into collect the items.
Access to the Farm – Driveway/Parking – M. Lipe
Mr. Folger reviewed a map showing where parking and the driveway access could be located, as shown in attached Exhibit B.  Also on the map is a proposed walking trail and equipment storage.
Councilor Snyder explained that DOT did not believe that access to the property will work across from the intersection.  They could do it but they will not spend the money to do it.
Ms. Lipe explained after discussions with the Police Department, that the best location is where the curb cut is currently that the farmers use.  Mr. Shepard suggested just north of the cluster of poles which would also enable the property to use the light.  Ms. Lipe said she would have that area reviewed.
Mr. Folger explained that what is being shown is an access drive that comes from the existing farmer’s access down through and coming out Heritage Drive.  There is a 50’ right of way that could be used.  There are two parking areas proposed on the site.  The larger parking lot would hold approximately 20-30 vehicles and the smaller parking lot would hold approximately 10 vehicles.  An area has been designated for equipment storage.
Chairperson Paterna questioned if the Committee doesn’t go with the red light on Ellington Road and use the road that the farmers currently used, will the Town be required to consider a turning lane to widen Sullivan Avenue?  Ms. Lipe felt that a traffic study will need to be done and the uses need to be determined.  Ms. Warren pointed out that at the current Farmer’s Market there are police who direct the traffic.
Ms. Lipe informed the Committee that John Caldwell was contacted by Eversource about getting a permanent easement to their easement because they can’t access it currently.  Would like to consider granting them a temporary easement that in the future could be considered to be a permanent easement.
Open House @ Priest Farm – Schedule a date:  Late Spring 2015/Early Fall 2015
This item will be kept on hold.
6.      New Business/Discussion Items
Councilor Snyder questioned if there anything that the Committee should be doing at this time?
Research on the CSA - Ms. Etter
Historical Information – Ms. Etter, Ms. Macro, Mr. Folger and Chairperson Paterna.  Ms. Macro will be the main contact for this item.
Site Plan for the property – Ms. Lipe and Mr. Folger.  They will review items that were discussed tonight.
Access – Ms. Lipe will discuss moving the intersecting.
7.      Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the South Windsor Public Library Board Room.
8.      Adjournment
At 6:35 p.m. Ms. Macro made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ms. Botteron seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk