Motor Vehicle Tax Calculation Form

FY2023/2024 Adopted Budget

This calculator reflects the Approved Council Budget.

Current 23/24 Mill Rate: 32.46

Input the Following: (numbers ONLY, no commas or $)

(A) Your Car's New Assessed Value 10/01/2022

(B) Your Car's OLD Assessed Value 10/01/2021

Your assessed value can be located by clicking here. Hard copies of your assessment information including assessment prior to revaluation are at the Town Assessor’s Office.

Click to Calculate
(Results Appear Below)

Results: (Do not enter any information below this box)

Tax Information


Description of Taxes $ Annual $ Monthly

Old Taxes Due
Your 10/01/2021 Assessment multiplied by 32.46, then divided by 1,000.

New Taxes Due
Your 10/01/2022 Assessment multiplied by 32.46 then divided by 1,000.

Tax Change:


Description of Change $ Annual $ Monthly

Change in taxes due to the impact of any change in your assessed value and any change in the mill rate.

Breakdown of 2024 Taxes:


Allocation $ Annual $ Monthly

Board of Education: 60.92%

Town Operating: 27.48%

Debt: 9.32%

Capital: 2.28%