Beelzebub Road Reconstruction Project Update 10/22/2021

The Town is finalizing plans to improve Beelzebub Road from Foster Street to Avery Street with new stormwater drainage catch basins, pipes and full depth reconstruction of the roadway with new gravel base, pavement, curbs and concrete sidewalks along one side the road for pedestrian use. The Town’s consultant, Weston & Sampson Engineers has designed these improvements to Beelzebub Road. 

This past summer the Connecticut Water Company installed a new water main on Beelzebub Road.  Their contractor will be milling and repaving the temporary patch over the new water main the end of next week or the first week in November, weather permitting. 

We have applied to the Inland Wetlands Commission for a permit for construction disturbance at and near wetlands by the stormwater outfalls on the south side of the road, across from No 186 and by No 355.  This project will be presented at the Inland Wetlands Commission Meeting the first week in November. 

The relocatin of utility poles and facilities needed for this project will be coordinated with the utility companies this fall and winter. 

We will also be contacting property owners to discuss easements needed to improve Beelzebub Road and blend in with existing driveways and lawns along with potential tree removals where necessary. 

Our schedule is to have this project ready to bid this winter and for construction to start this coming spring, 2022. 

If you have any questions regarding this project, feel free to call the Engineering Department at 860-644-2511 ext. 344.