Current Facilities Projects

April 2024 Report





                          Public Buildings Division Monthly Report



Recreation and Facilities Building Work

N.E. Masonry was onsite to make an opening in the outside wall for a window A/C unit for one of the management offices.  We have since purchased a new window unit and are now just waiting for the A/C unit sleeve to arrive so we can install the unit.     


Town Wide ADA Upgrades

Town Hall: ADA upgrades in the men’s room are complete with exception to replacing the door and closer, both are due to arrive in the next few weeks.  The Probate Office service window has been modified and a new lowered counter has been installed making it accessible. The lower section of glass that was to be installed on the lowered counter came in too large and had to be reordered.  That glass should be received in about a week or so.  The Lunchroom work will begin on Wednesday May 8th and only take a couple of days at most. While the work is being completed, we will move the lunch table and chairs into the rear of the Madden Room.  This will be a quick renovation/modification, most of the materials like countertops and cabinetry are already made so turnaround will be quick.     

VMP:  No update on this work. I am currently soliciting proposals from Civil Engineers to provide design and bidding services for accessible routes from the upper and lower parking lots at the park.  I am hopeful that the designs will be completed so the construction can begin after the 2024 season is over.

Police Department: I am working on having new compliant signage made for the interior offices.  I am also working on a schematic design that I can provide to local and or on-call contractors to remove some of the concrete slabs at the front entrance of the Police Department to install the required level landing at the entrance. This may require handrails as well but I won’t know until the grades are figured out.

Seasonal Sites: ADA compliant water fountain/bottle fillers have arrived.  The contractor has provided a proposal to install them, a purchase order has been issued for the work.  The work will take a few weeks to complete, no start date has been given yet.  At Rye St. Park an accessible route will be installed in front of the existing accessible parking spaces. The route will lead directly to the building.  Accessible routes to each of the ballfields needs to be made as well, those will be addressed in the coming months.


Public Works 2nd Floor Security Enhancements

The Engineers and Architects are now working on the final construction bid set (drawings and specifications) for this project. Once received I’ll set up one last meeting with the effected Department  These are expected to be ready in early May.   


Police Department Elevator Modernization

Utilizing free elevator consultant services, I’ve reached out to three elevator companies that can complete the modernization of the elevator.  Thus far only one has responded but that is not uncommon these days.  I will continue to reach out and get the proposals needed in order to present this project for funding to the Town Council.


Wood Memorial Library HVAC Upgrades

Work has been progressing nicely since the last report.  A crew from Action Air has been onsite since late March installing the HVAC equipment.  They are currently 75% complete, they hope to be completed by the end of May. 


ARPA Projects- Library/Town Hall/Community Center Paver Replacement Project

The paver replacement project has moved along nicely since they started.  If not for all the rain they would already be completed. Six crewmen were onsite removing the old pavers, leveling the base material and installing the new brick pavers and edging material. They started their work at the side entry door of the Library and worked their way around the island to the main entrance of the Town Hall. They are about ninety percent complete at this stage. The last section to be replaced is the bituminous concrete walkway from the Town Hall side door to the Town Hall main entryway.  I expect that they will finish all of this work in the next two weeks or so.  


VMP Epoxy Flooring Repairs- Filter Building

I have been in contact with the contractor who will be completing this work.  We hope to be able to get this last part of the bathroom floor finished well before the seasonal opening. 


ARPA Project- Fire House/Town Hall HVAC Upgrades

The Town Hall HVAC project is now substantially complete. There are a few bugs in the system graphics which makes controlling indoor conditions a little more difficult, however I expect those bugs to be worked out very quickly.   A meeting with the project engineer will be scheduled shortly, during this meeting we will conduct a walkthrough and identify any outstanding issues with the HVAC system and installation, All issues will be addressed and corrected prior to final payment being made to the contractor.  

The Fire House project is also substantially complete. The walkthrough with the engineer is scheduled for this Friday at 10 am.  Prior to project closeout the contractor will provide all the necessary building automation system training to the Fire Department staff so they can troubleshoot issues when they arise as well as control and adjust the temperatures as needed.     


Library Phone System Upgrade

I received an email from AT&T’s Order Specialist on 4/25 regarding the telephone number port date. They haven’t provided a specific date just yet, but they are now working with Frontier to schedule the date.  I’m hopeful that this will be completed in the next 3-4 weeks.


Public Works Private Cube Office

No Update- The private cubicle office is mostly complete. It is in place, but the very top panels of the office wall still did not fit as expected.  I’m working with the contractor to come up with a solution to rectify the issue.  


Community Center Dry Sprinkler System-Chemical Treatment System

The contractor completed the installation of the systems components earlier this month.  The attic dry sprinkler system must be flushed and treated with a special chemical to kill the microbes that are eating the piping, that can’t be done until the outdoor temperatures are consistently above freezing. 


Town Garage Exterior Bay Sheathing Replacement.

The sheathing replacement was completed this week. In addition, the contractor also removed sheathing around the truck wash bay.  In this instance they installed prefabricated concrete panels in lieu of pouring a concrete base but looking at it you wouldn’t be able to tell the panels are prefabricated.


Calls for Service March/April

This month so far we’ve made seventeen calls for service, please see the graph below with details.





Clay Major

Director of Facilities