Roadway Improvements


South Windsor - The Department of Public Works is making roadway improvements as part of the local road repaving project using bond proceeds approved in the 2014 referendum. These roads include: Brewster Road, Glenwood Road, High Ridge Road, Elm Street, Maple Street, Willow Street, Commerce Way, Nutmeg Road North, Palmer Drive, Deepwood Drive, Oakwood Drive, Valley View Drive, Oxford Drive and Virginia Circle.

The Town’s drainage contractor, Tabacco and Son Builders has begun to repair drainage structures on these roads. Starting about the end of June, the Town’s paving contractor, B&W Paving & Landscaping will be milling and repaving these roads. All work is scheduled to be completed by the end of October.

The first step of this project is the replacement of catch basin tops and repairs to the drainage structures. Then, the old pavement will be milled or ground down 2 inches, the existing curbs removed, driveway aprons cut and removed and temporary ramps installed so residents and businesses can still use their driveways. Approximately 2 inches of new pavement will be placed on these roads in 2 lifts. The first lift of pavement is a thin course to fill irregularities in the milled road surface and establish the road cross slopes. The second lift of pavement is about a 1-1/2 inch thick wearing course. New curbs will be installed and driveway aprons will be repaved. Lastly, topsoil and grass seed will be placed behind the new curbing. Residents are asked to water these restored roadside areas regularly to promote a good growth of new grass.

While this work is taking place PLEASE do not park on the street during the day. Also Do NOT drive on the liquid asphalt tack coat that is placed on the road in front of the paving machine, as it will stick to and possibly damage vehicle tires and paint finish. One lane of the road will be open at all times but traffic delays can be expected during construction. Driveways may be inaccessible for a few hours during paving. We thank you for your patience during this program and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Engineering Division (860-644-2511 x344) weekdays from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.