Human Relations Commission FAQs

What are Human Relations?

Simply put, human relations consist of all the interactions we are involved with in our daily life. Those interactions range from the contact we have with our families and where and how we live, to our work environment and how we interact with our co-workers, to our community at large and the contact we have with the members of that community.

What does a Human Relations Commission do?

We are a diverse nation and a diverse community. Both our county and our community are made up of people who come from many different countries and backgrounds. A Human Relations Commission can help manage relationships between people by promoting ways in which people in a community can learn to get along and to safeguard equal opportunity for all.

What is the vision of the South Windsor Human Relations Commission?

Our vision, which is embodied in our Mission Statement, is as follows: It is our role to encourage communication and mutual respect among all the citizens of South Windsor.

What is the value of the Commission?

The Commission’s value lies in its role not only as a watchdog for the community, but also as a sounding board for everyone in the community, whether they live here, work here, or just visit. The bottom line is this: whenever and however people come together - human relations are involved. It is our task to conduct and promote activities that will create amicable relations within our community and to ensure the protection of basic human and civil rights.

What are our goals and objectives?

Again we turn to our Mission Statement:


  • To promote and assist in developing an environment of fairness and respect among citizens by ensuring that responses to acts of exclusion, bias, and discrimination are meaningful and consistent.
  • To develop ways to measure and monitor community relations, race relations, and civil rights issues, in particular those that may cause inter-group conflict.
  • To develop and maintain programs which build positive relations and enhance problem-solving skills not only among those who reside here, but also to include those who work or visit here as well.

For more information on the charge of the Human Relations Commission go to Town Budget, Reports, Ordinances & Charter page by clicking this link.

Or contact the Human Relations Commission by email.