CT is a closed primary state so therefore you must be an enrolled member of the Republican Party.

The Registrars of Voters will be accepting new registrations for the August 11th Presidential Preference Primary until August 6th. If you are registered with a political party already, you have missed the 90 day restriction to switch parties to vote in this primary. Unaffiliated voters have until noon August 10th to switch to Republican. If you are not sure if you’re registered with the party, go to & voting, you will find a voter look up tool that will provide you with the information.

For the primary ONLY polling locations have been altered to protect the voters. Letters have been mailed to all voters impacted by this change in District 1 (Pleasant Valley School) and District 2 (Eli Terry School).

District 1 Pleasant Valley School, for the primary ONLY will be voting at South Windsor High School, 161 Nevers Road, entering from Ayers Road

District 2 Eli Terry School, for this primary ONLY will be voting at South Windsor High School, 161 Nevers Road, entering from Ayers Road

District 3 South Windsor High School, 161 Nevers Road, entering from Ayers Road

District 4 South Windsor Community Center, 150 Nevers Road, for this primary ONLY Democrats will be voting in the cafeteria and Republicans in the gym  

District 5 Timothy Edwards Middle School, 100 Arnold Way, for this primary ONLY voting will be in the cafeteria

There will not be same day voter registration for the Presidential Preference Primaries.  

If you have any questions, please call 860-644-2511 ext 276 or 272